I have often been asked if there are any professional gamblers out there. The simple truth is that many people earn a lot of money by gambling.

Of course, some of these individuals are professionally-sponsored players who enter into contest events playing casino games such as poker. Still, these only make up a select few and a tiny minority of people who make their revenue gambling, both online or in the real world.

Professional gamblers were rare because the internet was not a playing online casino gamesvailable or did not exist in the past. You could only play in real-world casinos and not in online gambling.

Casino staff will scrutinize any method or system used in real money. This means that unless you have a mental gift, such as the ability to count cards accurately or remember the ball’s location in roulette, you can’t use any aid to win.

Online gambling, particularly electronic gambling aids such as software that records the roulette results, has made career gambling much more accessible.

Two of my closest friends are career gamblers. They never leave their house to work and make all their money online, so they never have to travel. They both earn significantly more than what is considered an average income.

I was exactly like you for the first two years of my adult life. I made most of my money online gambling and used software to help me win money. This is a very lucrative career if you have the right toolset and knowledge. It can also make you more successful than any 404k plan.

Are you convinced that the most valuable secrets of successful gamblers could be yours? They might be. However, if you look at the matter with more logic and common sense, you will likely find that the most valuable secrets aren’t being sold for a few dollars. The ads claim the ultimate gambling secrets have finally been revealed.

Over the years, I have done a lot of research on gambling and have gained a lot of knowledge. I don’t proclaim to know all the secrets despite all my knowledge. I don’t know all the secrets that I’ve learned. The methods and techniques that I’ve found to work are simply successful. I am open-minded and accept that not all plans will work for everyone.

You should be cautious if you’re thinking about buying a gambling guide that claims to be the best. This is if you have money and aren’t concerned about the results. There is a lot of useless information in the gambling world. There are books and guides available for both online gambling and casinos.

I’m honest and open when asked to share my knowledge. I tell people that I will not share any money-making secrets that I have made from. Is this a little selfish? Perhaps. Being honest has proven to be a better approach and has helped increase credibility. These strategies and methods are very effective, and I am willing to share them. Only the difference is that I won’t share any techniques that affect my earnings.

Gambling guides writers will not tell you the “secrets” you need to know. They wouldn’t be considered “secrets” if they did. Only the author makes a few dollars from the books. You might be able to find professional gamblers willing to share some tips and techniques that will help you improve your game. Some professional gamblers will give you a few tips if they don’t have anything to lose. It is not necessarily the best gambling guide if the same gambler publishes a book.

These opinions are not intended to discourage you from changing your gambling habits. There are many options. Be sensible and consider gambling entertainment, not income. Even the most reliable gambling sites can be shady. It is important to realize that  playing online casino games are only for entertainment. This will make your online casino experience more enjoyable and less risky.

Only you can determine what the best gambling lists will contain. Let me give you some tips on what I would include on my top gambling lists.

Your criteria for inclusion on your list will likely be different than mine, so the lists will probably be entirely different. For example, I have a list that I frequently use for bookmakers.

You may be wondering why I keep a list.

I enjoy betting on National Hunt racing in the UK. I want to obtain the best odds possible when I gamble on National Hunt running in the UK. To get the best value, I have an account with almost all of the reputable online bookmakers.

How can I decide which bookmakers I want to add to my list? Before I open an account, I have a list that every bookmaker must fulfill.

If they don’t meet the criteria, I close the account. Like the above, I keep a list of online casino accounts that I have.

Although you could argue that this is the best list for gambling, I have many other resources I use online. Again, an online casino must meet the criteria before making it on my list.

Perhaps I should say that my favorite gambling list is the list that all sites, bookies, and casinos must meet before I risk my money or gambling profits.

To ensure your money is safe and easily accessible online, I strongly suggest that you create a similar list.

The Complex World of Professional Gamblers: Traits, Strategies, and Ethical Considerations

In the intricate maze of gambling, professional gamblers stand apart as those who have mastered the craft. Far from being mere opportunists, they manifest a series of traits and apply an array of tools that set them on a unique path. The pursuit of this profession is an art, sprinkled with science, demanding attention to detail and an unwavering dedication to strategy.

The Many Facets of a Professional Gambler

Analytical Mindset: Professional gamblers are not simply playing a game of chance; they are engaging in a battle of intellect and cunning. Analyzing intricate data patterns, probabilities, and historical trends is their forte. This ability to dissect information enables them to make calculated decisions in an environment where many are swayed by mere chance or emotion.

Emotional Control: The highs and lows of gambling can be intoxicating, but professional gamblers know better than to be swayed by them. They maintain a stoic composure, allowing them to focus on strategies and long-term gains rather than immediate triumphs or setbacks.

Risk Management: It’s a dance with uncertainty, but one that’s led with grace. Professional gamblers possess an acumen for managing their bankrolls, knowing precisely when to escalate their bets and when to withdraw. This judicious control of risk defines their success and longevity in the field.

Strategies and Tools of the Trade

Different games call for different measures. The professional gambler’s toolbox is filled with diverse strategies:

Poker Players: These savvy individuals study the nuances of human behavior, employing tactics such as bluffing and applying complex mathematical principles to outwit their opponents.

Sports Betting: Here, algorithms become the gambler’s ally. Professionals in this field often rely on specialized software to predict outcomes, analyze statistical deviations, and pinpoint value bets.

Casino Games: The controversial techniques such as card counting in Blackjack or the meticulous analysis of Roulette patterns come into play here. The acceptance of these methods varies wildly among casinos, with some applauding the skill and others deeming it inappropriate.

The Unseen Perils

Like any adventurous path, the professional gambler’s journey is fraught with risks:

Financial Risk: The oscillations of fortune can lead to significant financial losses, sometimes wiping out months or even years of careful earnings.

Legal and Ethical Considerations: The use of certain techniques may lead to legal challenges, and the ever-changing rules within casinos require constant vigilance.

Mental Health Implications: Few can understand the mental strain and anxiety that come with the territory. It’s a high-stakes world, and the pressure can weigh heavily on even the most seasoned professionals.

The Ethical Quandary

The moral fabric of professional gambling is a tapestry woven with varying shades of opinion. While some see this profession as a valid means of earning, others question its impact on societal values and the potential encouragement of risky behavior. The debate extends to casinos themselves, with varying attitudes towards the techniques that provide an edge to players.


Navigating the labyrinthine world of professional gambling is not a journey for the faint-hearted. It demands a fusion of intellect, emotional mastery, ethical discernment, and relentless pursuit of skill. For those who choose this path, it may unfold into a rewarding career, filled with excitement and intellectual stimulation.

However, it must be approached with caution, reverence, and a clear understanding of the stakes involved. Consider seeking guidance from seasoned professionals, investing time in acquiring knowledge, and always keeping a finger on the pulse of legal considerations.

Above all, remember that even in the exhilarating world of professional gambling, responsibility should never be gambled away.

The Complex World of Professional Gamblers: Traits, Strategies, and Ethical Considerations

Venturing into the realm of professional gambling, one embarks on a journey far from the ordinary. These individuals, masters of their craft, are not mere chance-takers but exhibit a unique blend of traits and employ an arsenal of strategies, setting them apart. This profession, an alchemy of art and science, demands meticulousness and a steadfast commitment to strategic prowess.

The Many Facets of a Professional Gambler

  1. Analytical Mindset: At their core, professional gamblers transcend the basic play of chance, engaging instead in an intellectual duel, a game of wit and analysis. They excel in dissecting complex data, probabilities, and patterns from historical gameplay, enabling them to make informed decisions in an arena where many falter to luck or fleeting emotions.
  2. Emotional Control: The rollercoaster of highs and lows in gambling can be overwhelming, yet professionals in this field maintain a Zen-like calm. They focus on the long game, strategies over spur-of-the-moment victories or defeats, embodying resilience.
  3. Risk Management: These gamblers dance elegantly with uncertainty, managing their funds with a precision that dictates both their success and their longevity in this unpredictable field.

Strategies and Tools of the Trade

The gambler’s arsenal varies with the game:

  • Poker Players: In the intricate game of poker, professionals delve into the psychology of their opponents, blending bluffing tactics with advanced mathematical strategies to gain the upper hand.
  • Sports Betting: Here, professionals leverage algorithms, using specialized software to forecast results, scrutinize statistical anomalies, and identify lucrative betting opportunities.
  • Casino Games: Techniques like card counting in Blackjack or scrutinizing Roulette patterns are controversial yet skillful methods. Their acceptance is a matter of debate among casinos.

The Unseen Perils

Professional gambling, an adventurous path, comes with its set of risks:

  1. Financial Risk: The unpredictable nature of gambling can result in substantial financial losses, erasing months or years of gains.
  2. Legal and Ethical Considerations: The utilization of certain strategies can border on legal challenges, necessitating a keen awareness of evolving casino rules.
  3. Mental Health Implications: The psychological strain inherent in this high-stakes profession is often underestimated, bearing heavily even on the most experienced.

The Ethical Quandary

The ethical landscape of professional gambling is a complex one. Opinions vary on its legitimacy as a profession and its broader societal impact. This debate also permeates the casino world, with differing views on player strategies.


Traversing the professional gambling world is not for the timid. It is a path that demands intellectual agility, emotional fortitude, ethical integrity, and a relentless pursuit of mastery. For those who tread this path, it can be immensely rewarding, offering both intellectual and adrenaline-fueled satisfaction.

However, this path must be navigated with caution and respect, understanding its inherent risks. Aspiring gamblers should seek guidance from experienced mentors, continuously expand their knowledge base, and remain vigilant of legal landscapes.

Above all, in the thrilling world of professional gambling, one must never gamble with responsibility.